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compute() checks the query, optimizes it in the background, and runs it. The output is a Polars DataFrame. collect() is similar to compute() but converts the output to an R data.frame, which consumes more memory.

Until tidypolars 0.7.0, there was only collect() and it was used to collect a LazyFrame into a Polars DataFrame. This usage is still valid for now but will change in 0.8.0 to automatically convert a DataFrame to a data.frame. Use compute() to have a Polars DataFrame as output.


# S3 method for class 'RPolarsLazyFrame'
  type_coercion = TRUE,
  predicate_pushdown = TRUE,
  projection_pushdown = TRUE,
  simplify_expression = TRUE,
  slice_pushdown = TRUE,
  comm_subplan_elim = TRUE,
  comm_subexpr_elim = TRUE,
  cluster_with_columns = TRUE,
  no_optimization = FALSE,
  streaming = FALSE,
  collect_in_background = FALSE

# S3 method for class 'RPolarsLazyFrame'
  type_coercion = TRUE,
  predicate_pushdown = TRUE,
  projection_pushdown = TRUE,
  simplify_expression = TRUE,
  slice_pushdown = TRUE,
  comm_subplan_elim = TRUE,
  comm_subexpr_elim = TRUE,
  cluster_with_columns = TRUE,
  no_optimization = FALSE,
  streaming = FALSE,
  collect_in_background = FALSE



A Polars LazyFrame


Dots which should be empty.


Coerce types such that operations succeed and run on minimal required memory (default is TRUE).


Applies filters as early as possible at scan level (default is TRUE).


Select only the columns that are needed at the scan level (default is TRUE).


Various optimizations, such as constant folding and replacing expensive operations with faster alternatives (default is TRUE).


Only load the required slice from the scan. Don't materialize sliced outputs level. Don't materialize sliced outputs (default is TRUE).


Cache branching subplans that occur on self-joins or unions (default is TRUE).


Cache common subexpressions (default is TRUE).


Combine sequential independent calls to $with_columns().


Sets the following optimizations to FALSE: predicate_pushdown, projection_pushdown, slice_pushdown, simplify_expression. Default is FALSE.


Run parts of the query in a streaming fashion (this is in an alpha state). Default is FALSE.


Detach this query from the R session. Computation will start in background. Get a handle which later can be converted into the resulting DataFrame. Useful in interactive mode to not lock R session (default is FALSE).

See also

fetch() for applying a lazy query on a subset of the data.


dat_lazy <- polars::as_polars_df(iris)$lazy()

#> shape: (150, 5)
#> ┌──────────────┬─────────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┬───────────┐
#> │ Sepal.Length ┆ Sepal.Width ┆ Petal.Length ┆ Petal.Width ┆ Species   │
#> │ ---          ┆ ---         ┆ ---          ┆ ---         ┆ ---       │
#> │ f64          ┆ f64         ┆ f64          ┆ f64         ┆ cat       │
#> ╞══════════════╪═════════════╪══════════════╪═════════════╪═══════════╡
#> │ 5.1          ┆ 3.5         ┆ 1.4          ┆ 0.2         ┆ setosa    │
#> │ 4.9          ┆ 3.0         ┆ 1.4          ┆ 0.2         ┆ setosa    │
#> │ 4.7          ┆ 3.2         ┆ 1.3          ┆ 0.2         ┆ setosa    │
#> │ 4.6          ┆ 3.1         ┆ 1.5          ┆ 0.2         ┆ setosa    │
#> │ 5.0          ┆ 3.6         ┆ 1.4          ┆ 0.2         ┆ setosa    │
#> │ …            ┆ …           ┆ …            ┆ …           ┆ …         │
#> │ 6.7          ┆ 3.0         ┆ 5.2          ┆ 2.3         ┆ virginica │
#> │ 6.3          ┆ 2.5         ┆ 5.0          ┆ 1.9         ┆ virginica │
#> │ 6.5          ┆ 3.0         ┆ 5.2          ┆ 2.0         ┆ virginica │
#> │ 6.2          ┆ 3.4         ┆ 5.4          ┆ 2.3         ┆ virginica │
#> │ 5.9          ┆ 3.0         ┆ 5.1          ┆ 1.8         ┆ virginica │
#> └──────────────┴─────────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┴───────────┘

# you can build a query and add compute() as the last piece
dat_lazy |>
  select(starts_with("Sepal")) |>
  filter(between(Sepal.Length, 5, 6)) |>
#> shape: (67, 2)
#> ┌──────────────┬─────────────┐
#> │ Sepal.Length ┆ Sepal.Width │
#> │ ---          ┆ ---         │
#> │ f64          ┆ f64         │
#> ╞══════════════╪═════════════╡
#> │ 5.1          ┆ 3.5         │
#> │ 5.0          ┆ 3.6         │
#> │ 5.4          ┆ 3.9         │
#> │ 5.0          ┆ 3.4         │
#> │ 5.4          ┆ 3.7         │
#> │ …            ┆ …           │
#> │ 6.0          ┆ 2.2         │
#> │ 5.6          ┆ 2.8         │
#> │ 6.0          ┆ 3.0         │
#> │ 5.8          ┆ 2.7         │
#> │ 5.9          ┆ 3.0         │
#> └──────────────┴─────────────┘

# call collect() instead to return a data.frame (note that this is more
# expensive than compute())
dat_lazy |>
  select(starts_with("Sepal")) |>
  filter(between(Sepal.Length, 5, 6)) |>
#>    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
#> 1           5.1         3.5
#> 2           5.0         3.6
#> 3           5.4         3.9
#> 4           5.0         3.4
#> 5           5.4         3.7
#> 6           5.8         4.0
#> 7           5.7         4.4
#> 8           5.4         3.9
#> 9           5.1         3.5
#> 10          5.7         3.8
#> 11          5.1         3.8
#> 12          5.4         3.4
#> 13          5.1         3.7
#> 14          5.1         3.3
#> 15          5.0         3.0
#> 16          5.0         3.4
#> 17          5.2         3.5
#> 18          5.2         3.4
#> 19          5.4         3.4
#> 20          5.2         4.1
#> 21          5.5         4.2
#> 22          5.0         3.2
#> 23          5.5         3.5
#> 24          5.1         3.4
#> 25          5.0         3.5
#> 26          5.0         3.5
#> 27          5.1         3.8
#> 28          5.1         3.8
#> 29          5.3         3.7
#> 30          5.0         3.3
#> 31          5.5         2.3
#> 32          5.7         2.8
#> 33          5.2         2.7
#> 34          5.0         2.0
#> 35          5.9         3.0
#> 36          6.0         2.2
#> 37          5.6         2.9
#> 38          5.6         3.0
#> 39          5.8         2.7
#> 40          5.6         2.5
#> 41          5.9         3.2
#> 42          6.0         2.9
#> 43          5.7         2.6
#> 44          5.5         2.4
#> 45          5.5         2.4
#> 46          5.8         2.7
#> 47          6.0         2.7
#> 48          5.4         3.0
#> 49          6.0         3.4
#> 50          5.6         3.0
#> 51          5.5         2.5
#> 52          5.5         2.6
#> 53          5.8         2.6
#> 54          5.0         2.3
#> 55          5.6         2.7
#> 56          5.7         3.0
#> 57          5.7         2.9
#> 58          5.1         2.5
#> 59          5.7         2.8
#> 60          5.8         2.7
#> 61          5.7         2.5
#> 62          5.8         2.8
#> 63          6.0         2.2
#> 64          5.6         2.8
#> 65          6.0         3.0
#> 66          5.8         2.7
#> 67          5.9         3.0